Partners / Current Projects

Current Projects and Products
Being anti-racist is central to trauma-informed care. CCTASSI strives to consistently use a racially and socially just lens to address the gaps in knowledge and practice related to the complex developmental effects of trauma in all our projects and products. We utilize the NCTSN Principles of an Anti-Racist, Trauma-Informed Organization to inform and guide these projects using an anti-racist and equity-focused approach. It is imperative that we integrate this framework into the building and disseminating of all work we do for caregivers, youth, and professionals in child welfare, juvenile justice, behavioral health, and education settings.
Expertise in complex trauma in children

Think Trauma Training Curriculum and Adaptations
Think Trauma is a trauma-informed training curriculum developed by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), that focuses on the training and implementation of the Training of Trainers (TOT) initiative. Think Trauma focuses on creating trauma-informed juvenile justice and child welfare residential agencies. This training is an initial step that agency leadership and administration can take in developing trauma-informed staff and facility milieu. Creating a trauma-informed setting is a process that requires shifts in attitude, knowledge and skill acquisition, changes in practice, cultural and organizational paradigm shifts, and ultimately policy and procedural change at every level of the facility.
During the recent funding cycle, CCTASSI has begun developing different adaptations of the Think Trauma curriculum. These adaptations include the following product (which are at different stages of development or dissemination):
Think Trauma Abbreviated Version
The Think Trauma Abbreviated version offers a condensed 8-hour version of the original 16-hour NCTSN Think Trauma 2nd Edition curriculum. This adaptation option allows for more widespread usage of Think Trauma across systems and a range of roles within juvenile justice and child welfare residential settings.
Think Trauma Application Resource
This resource offers several tip sheets, tools, and “how to” guides to support the translation of various concepts from the Think Trauma curriculum into practice for various provider roles.
Think Trauma Immigration: Training for Legal Providers
Think Trauma Immigration: Training for legal providers adaptation was adapted for immigration legal providers who work with youth and/or families who have been forcibly displaced and/or are unaccompanied minors. This version suits lawyers, paralegals, and individuals working in unaccompanied minor shelters.
Think Trauma Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (C-SEC)
This is an adaptation of the NCTSN Think Trauma 2nd edition and is designed to improve trauma-informed caregiving in placements and community settings that serve youth who have been trafficked or sexually exploited.
Public Awareness Films is an innovative platform launched in June 2022 to raise public awareness about critical issues of race, trauma and complex trauma through three CCTASSI-produced film series. The website houses all our featured films, documentaries, and featurettes, each with dedicated pages that highlight key themes, as well as actionable steps for viewers to get involved and help spread awareness. Our goal is to maximize the reach and impact of our films, making them free and easily accessible for use in training and awareness-raising efforts.
Expertise in complex trauma in children

Expertise in complex trauma in children

Transition Age Youth (TAY) Training Toolkit/Resources
The Transition Age Youth (TAY) Training Toolkit is designed to support professionals working with TAY through trauma-informed practices in various systems. The Toolkit includes several content modules with PowerPoint slides, Trainers’ notes, and tip sheets accompanied by a web-based training platform to support building trauma-informed knowledge and skill for various providers and systems.
Multisystem Involved Youth Resources
The Trauma-informed Cross Systems Rubric was developed in collaboration with the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform at Georgetown University to help systems serving youth who are multi-system involved. This rubric identifies elements fundamental to cross-system collaboration using a trauma-informed framework.
Expertise in complex trauma in children

Expertise in complex trauma in children

Essential Components of Trauma-informed Screening Toolkit
The Essential Components of Trauma-Informed Screening Toolkit, developed in collaboration with the NCTSN and other experts, is designed to support trauma screening in child-serving settings including child welfare, juvenile justice, mental health, and schools. The Toolkit includes a training slide deck, facilitator guide, and a series of tip sheets. It offers detailed information on 7 essential components of trauma-informed screening and opportunities for discussion, reflection, and application of the material. This information is relevant to staff at all levels of a given agency or system.
Trauma-Informed Systems Transformation
Becoming trauma-informed as a system or agency is now a popular idea, and sometimes mandated by policy. Unfortunately, it is sometimes hard to know where to begin and how to coordinate change across all levels and sectors of a system. CCTASSI provides expert, hands-on consultation and support by partnering closely with agencies to raise awareness, increase knowledge, identify opportunities and priorities, and implement trauma-informed change.
Expertise in complex trauma in children

Partnership with Cook County Juvenile Court
With support of the Chief Judges office, and in collaboration with representatives from every division of the Juvenile Court and many external stakeholders, CCTASSI is developing guidelines and implementing change for the creation of a trauma-informed juvenile justice system.
Partnership with Indiana Supreme Court
In collaboration with representatives of the Indiana Supreme Court and the Indiana Family Law Taskforce, CCTASSI is identifying ways to increase access to trauma-resources and understanding of trauma-informed practice, thereby raising awareness and increasing the knowledge and effectiveness of professionals who work with court-involved youth and families impacted by trauma.
Please reach out to us if you would like further information about any of these products or projects